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€ 49.50
Designer: Filip Głowacz
Play Time: 45-60 min
Players: 1-4
Age: 14+
Publisher: BOARD&DICE
Ordercode: BND0077
Publication Date: 21/06/2023

History of humankind has been written down for thousands of years. Our technological achievements, geographical discoveries, and the will to prosper are weaved into intricate threads spread throughout books that tell the story of our time on Earth. Now you have the chance to shape this story.

Books of time puts a unique and exciting twist on tableau building, allowing you to construct three great books, each with their own sets of special abilities that you can write – and create incredible combinations. The story of a civilization is now truly at your fingertips.

There are three types of pages that go into player books: Trade, Science, and Industry. During the game you add pages to these books creating powerful combinations of actions that you can activate. You need to efficiently manage your resources to create the books that will meet your personal objectives and score you the most victory points.

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