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Privacy Policy

WORLDS' END COMICS cares a great deal about the protection of your personal data ( and that your privacy is being respected ).

In this privacy statement we'd like to offer clear and transparent information about ( which data we collect ) how we deal with personal data.

We will do whatever is in our power to guarantee your privacy and will treat your data with the utmost care.In all cases WORLDS' END COMICS will follow the relevant laws and rules, which includes the General Data Protection Regulation.

Which means we will definitely:

  • process your personal data in accordance to the purpose for which they have been collected, these purposes are described in this Privacy Statement;
  • make sure we only process personal data that is minimally needed for the purposes for which they have been collected;
  • ask for your explicit permission if we would need it for processing your personal data;
  • have taken relevant technical and organisational precautions to ensure the safety of your personal data;
  • not pass on any of personal data to other parties, unless this is necessary for the execution of the purposes they have been collected for;
  • be up to date about your legal rights concerning your personal data, point them out to you and respect them;

As WORLDS' END COMICS we are responsible for the processing of your personal data. In case you want to contact us after having read through this privacy statement, or in a broader context, have questions about this, you can get in touch with us via the underneath mail address :


Why do we process your personal data ?

Your personal data is being processed by WORLDS' END COMICS for the following purposes and on the basis of the following legal grounds:

  • to participate with the activities of WORLDS' END COMICS;
  • the sending of newsletters. (only if you subscribed yourself to the newsletters)
  • the sending of important information and updates concerning your purchases and orders. (permission concerned party)


For this purpose we can ask you and process the following personal data:

  • personal identity data : Family name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail
  • personal characteristics : birth date

We use the collected data only for the purposes for which we have collected them.


Sharing with third parties

We can only share the data that you give us with third parties unless this is absolutely necessary for the purposes described above.

We work together with third parties (processors) in the following cases :

  • the maintenance of the internet-environment (web hosting);
  • the maintenance of the IT-infrastructure (i.e. IT network, …);
  • the maintenance (and distribution) of newsletters.

We will never share personal data with parties we do not have a processing agreement with. With the processors we do have an agreement with we will of course make the necessary preparations to ensure the safety of your personal data.

Furthermore we will only share your personal data with third parties when it we are permitted and legally bound to do so. An example of this is that the police will ask for (personal) data in reference to an investigation. In such a case we have to collaborate and are legally bound to share this data.

Also we can share personal data with third parties in case you give us explicit (written) permission for this. You have the right to retract this permission at any time, without that this will lead to the detriment of the legality of the processing before the retraction of it. We do not share personal data to parties that are stationed outside of the EU.



We only process personal data of minors (persons younger than 16 years old) when we have written permission by a parent or legal representative.


Storage period

WORLDS' END COMICS will store your personal data no longer then necessary required by law for the purposes they have been collected. This data will not automatically be stored for longer than 5 years. We will ask for your explicit permission to store the data for another period of 5 years.


Safety of your data.

We have taken relevant technical and organisational precautions to secure your personal data from unlawful access, fro example we have taken the following steps:

  • all persons that on behalf of WORLDS' END COMICS can access your data , are bound by secrecy thereof.
  • we apply a username and password policy on all of our systems;
  • we pseudonymise and offer encryption of your personal data if there is a need for it;
  • we make backups from the personal data to be able to restore in case of physical or technical incidents;
  • we test and evaluate our precautions on a regular basis;
  • our co-workers are informed about the importance of the protection of personal data.


Your rights concerning your data:

You have the right to look , to correct or delete the personal data we have received from you.

On top of this privacy statement we've mentioned how you can contact us. You can also contact us through the contacts page on our website (to avoid abuse we can ask you to properly identify yourself). To properly identify you we ask you to add a copy of your identity card. We strongly advise you to hide your picture on the card and also to state that it concerns a copy.

Also you can object (oppose) the processing of your personal data (or part of it) by us or one of our processors.

Also you have the right to have us supply your personal data to you or if ordered by you directly to another party. We can ask you to properly identify yourself before we comply to these requests.



In case you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data we ask you to contact us directly. You always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Commission, this is the regulatory authority with respect to privacy protection.


Updating privacy statement

WORLDS' END COMICS can change it's privacy statement. We will announce these updates on our website. The last update was done on 25/05/2018.

Older versions of our privacy statement will be kept in our archive. Please send us an e-mail if you would like to consult these.




Corporate headquarters:

Ketelvest 51

9000 Gent


BE 0563 362 934


