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"keigroot aanbod en een superleuke shopkeeper"

Why register on Worlds' End Comics?

If you register on the Worlds' End Comics site you'll be able to interact with the site a bit more.

It also gives us the information needed to give you a better service.

Please carefully read the privacy policy for the information that you input here.

Some extra features are available for users who log in:

  • buy products from our site
  • see your purchase history
  • rate products
  • comment on products
  • keep track of your fidelity card
  • Pre-order products
  • Get discounts with our Fidelity Card
  • Keep track of your purchase history
  • Add to Wish List to buy later
  • Personalize when logged in

STOP – please read first!

  • I have a client account at the physical store that includes my email address:
    Use the password reset mechanism to create a password.
  • I have a client account at the physical store that does not include my email address:
    Contact us at and ask to have your email included in your client account.
  • I do not have a client account at the physical store:
    Please fill in the form below to create a new account.

myWorld Basic Registration

The labels marked with a * are required.


Terms & Conditions


Worlds' End Comics provides their services to you subject to the following conditions. If you visit or shop at Worlds' End Comics, you accept these conditions. Please read them carefully. If you have any concern about privacy at Worlds' End Comics, please contact us with a thorough description, and we will try to resolve it. Our business changes constantly, and our Privacy Notice and the Conditions of Use will change also. Hence you should check our Web site frequently to see recent changes. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Notice applies to all information that we have about you and your account. We stand behind the promises we make, however, and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of customer information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers.

Our shop

Worlds' End Comics is first and foremost a physical shop and does its business through a brick and mortar location as well as the internet. We aim to provide an optimal service to our customers, using the best possible means available. If you like to visit us in person you can find all info in the contact section of the site. We'll most certainly welcome you if you'd choose to visit us.



All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, are the property of Worlds' End Comics or their respective creators and protected by international copyright laws. They may not be copied, distributed, presented, changed, saved for repeated use, framed in other websites etc., neither totally or partially, in any way without written permission of Worlds' End Comics .

This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to us. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and conditions.

Copyright : specific suppliers trademark and copyright legalities :

  • Diamond Comics Distributor : Images originating from the Diamond Comics website are © Diamond Comics Distributors, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Images and trademarks used with permission for the sole purpose to advertise products sold by Diamond to Worlds' End Comicshop. This website is unofficial and is not endorsed by Diamond Comics. All images are property of Diamond Comics or the publishers that supply the goods to Diamond. No images may be copied or distributed without consent of Diamond Comics.
  • Images originating from the Privateer Press website are © 2001—2011 Privateer Press, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Images and trademarks used with permission. This website is unofficial and is not endorsed by Privateer Press.


This site is provided by Worlds' End Comics on an "as is" and "as available" basis. Worlds' End Comics does not make any warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the site, the content, information, articles or materials included on this site. To the full extent permissible by applicable law, Worlds' End Comics disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Worlds' End Comics will not be liable for any types of damages resulting from the use of its web site, including but not limited to, direct, consequential and indirect damages.


Please review our Privacy Policy, which also governs your visit to Worlds' End Comics , to understand our practices.


Worlds' End Comics does not sell products for purchase by children. We sell products for purchase by adults. If you are under 18, you may use Worlds' End Comics only with the involvement of a parent or guardian. Articles sold on the Worlds' End Comics website are generally meant for people of 15 years or older. If you buy on Worlds' End Comics articles, which contain an indication of a given age; be it on the article itself or on the website, by ordering it you implicitly acknowledge to be at least of the given age. Hence, to the full extent permissible by applicable law, Worlds' End Comics disclaims all warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular age group. Worlds' End Comics will not be liable for any types of damages resulting from the use of these goods by children which do not have the appropriate age as indicated on the site and/or on the articles.

Your account

If you use this site, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and password and for restricting access to your computer, and you agree to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account or password. Worlds' End Comics reserves the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, remove or edit content, or cancel orders at its own discretion. Worlds' End Comics also reserves the right to refuse orders, change them or split/and or merge them at its own discretion. You will be notified of all changes on your orders via email.

Electronic Communication

When you visit Worlds' End Comics or send e-mails to us, you are communicating with us electronically. You consent to receive communications from us electronically. We will communicate with you by e-mail or by posting notices on this site. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications be in writing.

Product descriptions

Worlds' End Comics provides as much as possible the same information it gets from the suppliers it deals with. Some description or information may change before the product actually becomes available. These changes are mostly minor changes. Worlds' End Comics will try their best to update the information when it becomes available. If no information is provided you can try to look up the information on the site of the respective publishers mentioned on the product file.


The price mentioned on the website for all in-stock products represent the price you will pay for the item you order. Items that can be preordered will have a estimated price according to the currency conversion at the time of uploading. The actual price will only be determined at the time the product actually becomes stocked at our store. The price for online products and the price in the actual physical shop are the same. We believe in fair and equal pricing for all customers. In all other cases there will be a clear description on the productdetail stating that it is an exception.

Other businesses

Under certain circumstances Worlds' End Comics might provide links to the sites of affiliated companies and certain other businesses. We are not responsible for examining or evaluating, and we do not warrant the offerings of, any of these businesses or individuals or the content of their Web sites. Worlds' End Comics does not assume any responsibility or liability for the actions, product, and content of all these and any other third parties. You should carefully review their privacy statements and other conditions of use.

Reviews, Comments, Communications, and Other Content

Logged in visitors may comment, vote on products, twitter, like and send on links to products; and submit suggestions, ideas, comments, questions, or other information, so long as the content is not illegal, obscene, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, infringing of intellectual property rights, or otherwise injurious to third parties or objectionable and does not consist of or contain software viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings, or any form of "spam." You may not use a false e-mail address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead as to the origin of content. Worlds' End Comics reserves the right (but not the obligation) to remove or edit such content. Worlds' End Comics does review the posted content regularly, but does not review regularly the sources of this content. If you do post content or submit material, and unless we indicate otherwise, you grant Worlds' End Comics a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such content throughout the world in any media. You grant Worlds' End Comics the right to use the name that you submit in connection with such content, if they choose. You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the content that you post; that the content is accurate; that use of the content you supply does not violate this policy and will not cause injury to any person or entity; and that you will indemnify Worlds' End Comics for all claims resulting from content you supply. Worlds' End Comics has the right but not the obligation to monitor and edit or remove any activity or content. Worlds' End Comics takes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content posted by you or any third party.



Exercising your right of withdrawal via the WEBshop

Buying goods via the webshop is a distance purchase.

There is no physical contact between buyer and seller when the purchase is made. The transaction takes place via a remotely organized sales system.

What you need to know

With a distance purchase, you as a consumer are entitled to the statutory withdrawal period of 14 calendar days.

The period starts on the day after the delivery of the good.

You have the right to inspect the goods received as you would in the store.

You may be held liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from handling the goods beyond what is necessary to establish the characteristics and verify the proper functioning of the goods.

Boxes that were in foil must be returned unopened in the original plastic foil.
Blisters of all kinds must be returned unopened.
Books must be returned unread and unopened, if they are in plastic foil, they must be returned that way.


If you make use of the right of withdrawal, you must return the goods received as soon as possible and no later than 14 days after you have informed us of your decision to cancel the purchase.

You pay the costs for the safe return of the goods.


After the goods have been returned and checked for their good condition, we will issue the refund.

Privacy Policy

In this privacy statement we'd like to offer clear and transparent information about ( which data we collect ) how we deal with personal data.

We will do whatever is in our power to guarantee your privacy and will treat your data with the utmost care.In all cases WORLDS' END COMICS will follow the relevant laws and rules, which includes the General Data Protection Regulation.

Which means we will definitely:

  • process your personal data in accordance to the purpose for which they have been collected, these purposes are described in this Privacy Statement;
  • make sure we only process personal data that is minimally needed for the purposes for which they have been collected;
  • ask for your explicit permission if we would need it for processing your personal data;
  • have taken relevant technical and organisational precautions to ensure the safety of your personal data;
  • not pass on any of personal data to other parties, unless this is necessary for the execution of the purposes they have been collected for;
  • be up to date about your legal rights concerning your personal data, point them out to you and respect them;

As WORLDS' END COMICS we are responsible for the processing of your personal data. In case you want to contact us after having read through this privacy statement, or in a broader context, have questions about this, you can get in touch with us via the underneath mail address :


Why do we process your personal data ?

Your personal data is being processed by WORLDS' END COMICS for the following purposes and on the basis of the following legal grounds:

  • to participate with the activities of WORLDS' END COMICS;
  • the sending of newsletters. (only if you subscribed yourself to the newsletters)
  • the sending of important information and updates concerning your purchases and orders. (permission concerned party)


For this purpose we can ask you and process the following personal data:

  • personal identity data : Family name, surname, address, telephone number, e-mail
  • personal characteristics : birth date

We use the collected data only for the purposes for which we have collected them.


Sharing with third parties

We can only share the data that you give us with third parties unless this is absolutely necessary for the purposes described above.

We work together with third parties (processors) in the following cases :

  • the maintenance of the internet-environment (web hosting);
  • the maintenance of the IT-infrastructure (i.e. IT network, …);
  • the maintenance (and distribution) of newsletters.

We will never share personal data with parties we do not have a processing agreement with. With the processors we do have an agreement with we will of course make the necessary preparations to ensure the safety of your personal data.

Furthermore we will only share your personal data with third parties when it we are permitted and legally bound to do so. An example of this is that the police will ask for (personal) data in reference to an investigation. In such a case we have to collaborate and are legally bound to share this data.

Also we can share personal data with third parties in case you give us explicit (written) permission for this. You have the right to retract this permission at any time, without that this will lead to the detriment of the legality of the processing before the retraction of it. We do not share personal data to parties that are stationed outside of the EU.



We only process personal data of minors (persons younger than 16 years old) when we have written permission by a parent or legal representative.


Storage period

WORLDS' END COMICS will store your personal data no longer then necessary required by law for the purposes they have been collected. This data will not automatically be stored for longer than 5 years. We will ask for your explicit permission to store the data for another period of 5 years.


Safety of your data.

We have taken relevant technical and organisational precautions to secure your personal data from unlawful access, fro example we have taken the following steps:

  • all persons that on behalf of WORLDS' END COMICS can access your data , are bound by secrecy thereof.
  • we apply a username and password policy on all of our systems;
  • we pseudonymise and offer encryption of your personal data if there is a need for it;
  • we make backups from the personal data to be able to restore in case of physical or technical incidents;
  • we test and evaluate our precautions on a regular basis;
  • our co-workers are informed about the importance of the protection of personal data.


Your rights concerning your data:

You have the right to look , to correct or delete the personal data we have received from you.

On top of this privacy statement we've mentioned how you can contact us. You can also contact us through the contacts page on our website (to avoid abuse we can ask you to properly identify yourself). To properly identify you we ask you to add a copy of your identity card. We strongly advise you to hide your picture on the card and also to state that it concerns a copy.

Also you can object (oppose) the processing of your personal data (or part of it) by us or one of our processors.

Also you have the right to have us supply your personal data to you or if ordered by you directly to another party. We can ask you to properly identify yourself before we comply to these requests.



In case you have a complaint about the processing of your personal data we ask you to contact us directly. You always have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Commission, this is the regulatory authority with respect to privacy protection.


Updating privacy statement

WORLDS' END COMICS can change it's privacy statement. We will announce these updates on our website. The last update was done on 25/05/2018.

Older versions of our privacy statement will be kept in our archive. Please send us an e-mail if you would like to consult these.




Corporate headquarters:

Ketelvest 51

9000 Gent


BE 0563 362 934