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€ 22.64
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Writer: Christos Gage
Artist: Rebekah Isaacs, Dan Jackson
Cover Artist: Rebekah Issacs
Ordercode: APR170103
Publication Date: 23/08/2017
Walking home from work one day, handsome young doctor Shuichiro notices an adorable little thing trapped in a tree . . . not a cat, but an angel, Kohaku. In gratitude for rescuing it, Kohaku offers to grant Shuichiro a wish-but to the angel's surprise, Shuichiro says no thanks . . . everything in his life is great! But little Kohaku isn't going to give up that easily, and moves in with Shuichiro. Soon they're joined by the demons Koryuu and Kokuyo, and the household becomes an earthly haven for love that's been lost-and a sanctuary for love that can't be run from . . . o A crossover title with Dark Horse's previous Drug & Drop.

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