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"Best. LCS. There. Is. :-)"

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€ 19.23
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Writer: Reed, M. K.
Artist: Wiegle, Matt
Cover Artist: Wiegle, Matt
Publisher: IDW - TOP SHELF
Ordercode: FEB190752
Publication Date: 12/06/2019
'I never wanted to be a teacher or lawyer. I never wanted to be anything, really.' Stuck working mind-numbing temp jobs, Penny Nichols yearns to break free from the rut she's found herself in. When, by chance, she falls in with a group of misfits making a no-budget horror movie called 'Blood Wedding,' everything goes sideways. Soon, her days are overrun with gory props, failed Shakespearean actors, a horny cameraman, and a disappearing director. Somehow, Penny must hold it all together and keep the production from coming apart at the seams. This hilarious original graphic novel is a loving tribute to the chaos and camaraderie of DIY filmmaking, and the ways we find our future-and our family-in the unlikeliest of places. Advance solicited for June release!

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