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€ 44.99
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Writer: Pedrosa, Cyril
Artist: Pedrosa, Cyril
Cover Artist: Pedrosa, Cyril
Publisher: NBM
Ordercode: JUN161646
Publication Date: 31/08/2016
In an equinox, day is as long as night, as if the world found perfect equilibrium between shadow and light, a fleeting equilibrium, similar to the stakes of our human destinies. Segmented into four tableaux for four seasons, unrelated people of all social backgrounds seeking equilibrium cross paths with other solitudes, weaving in and out of one and other's lives, all captivated and tormented by the enigmatic meaning of life. Every season has its visual identity and its individual voice, culminating in summer and, possibly, an answer. Equinoxes is a unique ground-breaking work of rare intensity and narrative sensibility by a rising bestselling star of European comics.

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