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Peacemaker Tries Hard! HC
€ 26.00
Writer: Kyle Starks
Artist: Steve Pugh
Cover Artist: Kris Anka
Publisher: DC Comics
Ordercode: 1023DC221
Publication Date: 06/02/2024
Having earned his release from the Suicide Squad, Peacemaker wants to try to do normal superhero stuff for a change. Unfortunately everyone, including the bad guys, thinks he sucks at superhero stuff. But when busting up a terrorist ring introduces Christopher Smith to the cutest puppy to ever walk (awkwardly) on four legs, he finds the unconditional love he's been de¬nied his whole life...until the dog is kidnapped by a super-villain with some very un-super-heroic plans for Peacemaker's brand of ultraviolence. Will he help an unstable criminal steal the world's most valuable--and dangerous-- DNA? Honestly, Christopher's pretty lonely, so it probably just depends on how nicely they ask...

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