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€ 15.00
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Writer: Cullum, Jared
Artist: Cullum, Jared
Cover Artist: Cullum, Jared
Publisher: IDW - TOP SHELF
Series: KODI GN
Ordercode: FEB200686
Publication Date: 17/06/2020
The gorgeous story of two friends separated by everything in the world-except love. Readers and animal lovers of every age will want to relive this journey over and over again. Katya and her Meema are spending another normal summer at their cottage in Alaska, when a chance accident leaves Katya face-to-face with the biggest creature she's ever seen? an enormous kodiak bear, soon to become her closest friend. But when Katya suddenly returns home to Seattle, the two are torn apart, leaving Kodi to do whatever it takes to reunite with his fragile human friend. It's a wild adventure packed with breathtaking views, new companions, and danger around every turn.

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