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"Best. LCS. There. Is. :-)"

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€ 64.44
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Writer: Ware, Chris
Artist: Ware, Chris
Cover Artist: Ware, Chris
Publisher: RIZZOLI
Ordercode: AUG172272
Publication Date: 18/10/2017
Monograph charts the art and literary world's increasing tolerance for the language of the empathetic doodle directly through the work of one of its most esthetically constipated practitioners. Arranged chronologically with all thoughtful critical and contemporary discussion common to the art book genre jettisoned in favor of Mr. Ware's unchecked anecdotes and unscrupulous personal asides, the author-as-subject has nonetheless tried as clearly and convivially as possible to provide a contrite, companionable guide to an otherwise unnavigable jumble of product spanning his days as a pale magnet for athletic upperclassmen's ire up to his contemporary life as a stay-at-home dad and agoraphobic graphic novelist.

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