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"Nice shop, a lot of choice, well preserved comics"

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€ 17.13
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Writer: Kieth, Sam
Artist: Kieth, Sam
Cover Artist: Kieth, Sam
Ordercode: OCT170530
Publication Date: 31/01/2018
A pleasant road trip becomes a harrowing tale of survival as four friends are accosted by a pair of brutal predators. Told mainly in the claustrophobic confines of their vehicle, these four women comfort one another and learn more about each other as their ordeal continues, drawing ever closer to its inevitable conclusion. Donna, with the help of a counselor, tries to work through the ordeal that traumatized her and her friends Marion, Bev, and Cindy, who she has tried to avoid since the incident occurred. A grim, chilling tale rendered in Sam Kieth's unique style brings this dark graphic novel to life.

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