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€ 18.17 € 25.95
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Ordercode: RGS84853
Publication Date: 23/05/2019
Vikings, grab your shield and weapon of choice, and venture onto the North Sea in this new RPG! Designed by Tim and Kristin Devine, and published in partnership with Garphill Games, this roleplaying game is set in the North Sea universe of games, including the award winning Raiders of the North Sea.

As with the board games set in the same universe, Epilogues is based loosely in history. While heroes won't be fighting ice giants and other mythological creatures, they may still believe in such beings and unworldly forces. Create heroes and set out to battle enemies, uncover mysteries and gain reputation. The possibilities are endless and the North Sea is waiting. So ready the longboats and prepare to forge an exciting and epic saga!

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