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€ 46.50
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Ordercode: MUH050160
Publication Date: 27/01/2019
"Betrayed by your creators, you are a genetically engineered remnant emerging from the ruin of genocidal war…" The Fragged Empire Core Book features the core Fragged Empire experience, an adaptable rule system, with nonlinear character progression & tactical miniature combat, all set in a deep post-apocalyptic sci-fi setting that explores themes of cultural tension, genetic engineering & exploration. After emerging from a century of brutal tribalism & savagery following a terrible war – players will explore this brave new universe of fantastic sci-fi adventure. "Betrayed by your creators, you are a genetically engineered remnant emerging from the ruin of genocidal war…" The Fragged Empire Core Book features the core Fragged Empire experience, an adaptable rule system, with nonlinear character progression & tactical miniature combat, all set in a deep post-apocalyptic sci-fi setting that explores themes of cultural tension, genetic engineering & exploration. After emerging from a century of brutal tribalism & savagery following a terrible war – players will explore this brave new universe of fantastic sci-fi adventure.

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