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"Congrats to Worlds' End!!"

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€ 28.50
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Publisher: ATLAS GAMES
Ordercode: ATG3110
Publication Date: 30/11/2020
An all-ages roleplaying game of cute, fierce kitties. You are Cute. You are Cunning. You are Fierce. You are magical kitties, and it’s time to save the day! Every magical kitty has a human. Every human has a problem. In Magical Kitties Save the Day, you and your friends use your magical powers to help your humans. But kitties live in hometowns that are filled even bigger problems like witches, aliens, and hyper-intelligent raccoons. So kitties go on adventures to save the day! A great way to try roleplaying or gamemastery for the first time, or to delve into a whole new magical world.

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