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€ 22.50
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Designer: Vlaada Chvátil
Play Time: 20-40 min
Players: 3-6
Age: 8+
Ordercode: CGE00047
Publication Date: 29/11/2018
Do you know what a zebra looks like? Can you draw it? No, well, then this game is perfect for you! Any zebra drawing you do will be fine as long as the other players don't think your zebra is a car! In Pictomania, it really doesn't matter if you can draw well. Each player will draw a picture of a word given to them and at the same time try to guess the drawings of the other players. You don't have time for a masterpiece just a small doodle will suffice and then you will have more time to guess! The player who can doodle just a little bit while making good guesses at the other drawings will be the winner!

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