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€ 19.99
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Writer: McDonald, Craig
Artist: Singles, Kevin
Cover Artist: Singles, Kevin
Publisher: :01 FIRST SECOND
Ordercode: AUG171714
Publication Date: 25/10/2017
Aging crime novelist Hector Lassiter thought that his adventures were long behind him. But then he's delivered a treasure worth killing for: the skull of Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa. With brooding poet Bud Fiske and hard-as-nails beauty Alacia Vincente, Hector must make a mad dash across the American southwest. If he can sell the skull to highest bidder he'll score big. But in the meantime has to dodge bullets from deranged fraternity members, aging soldiers of fortune, and crooked feds. Originally published as an Edgar-nominated novel, this adaptation is brought to life with beautiful two-color art reminiscent of the classic era of pulp fiction.

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