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"Congrats to Worlds' End!!"

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€ 11.81
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Writer: Brosgol, Vera
Artist: Brosgol, Vera
Cover Artist: Brosgol, Vera
Publisher: :01 FIRST SECOND
Ordercode: FEB181570
Publication Date: 25/04/2018
All Vera wants to do is fit in, but that's not easy for a Russian girl in the suburbs. Her friends live in fancy houses and their parents can afford to send them to the best summer camps. Vera's single mother can't afford that sort of luxury, but there's one summer camp in her price range - Russian summer camp. Vera is sure she's found the one place she can fit in, but camp is far from what she imagined. And nothing could prepare her for all the 'cool girl' drama, endless Russian history lessons, and outhouses straight out of nightmares! Available in softcover and hardcover editions.

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