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€ 12.98
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Publisher: BBC BOOKS
Ordercode: JUL168663
Publication Date: 13/10/2017
Ashildr, a young Viking girl, died helping the Doctor and Clara to save her village. Brought back to life by the Doctor using alien technology, she is now immortal The Woman Who Lived. Since then, Ashildr has kept journals, detailing her extraordinary life. The stories in The Legends of Ashildr are selections from these journals. It offers a remarkable glimpse into Ashildr's adventures over her first three hundred years, from enduring the Black Death in London to pirate voyages through the mythical Fortunate Isles. * Featuring Ashildr, as played by Maisie Williams. The Legends of Ashildr is set between her first two encounters with the Doctor, as shown in the 2015 episodes The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived."

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