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€ 28.11
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Writer: Campi, Alex De
Artist: Santos, Victor
Cover Artist: Santos, Victor
Publisher: GALLERY 13
Ordercode: MAY181747
Publication Date: 18/07/2018
In this heart-pounding, starkly colored, and visually stunning graphic novel, three women have twelve hours to get out of Cuba with six-million dollars on the night of New Year's Eve 1958. Gangster's moll Carole, jazz singer Taffy, and mambo queen Ana all have their reasons for needing to escape the El Eden Casino in Havana. And on the tumultuous night of New Year's Eve, when Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista flees the country and the nation falls to Fidel Castro, they get their chance... with the help of six suitcases filled with stolen dirty money. Of course, it's one thing to get the cash... and quite another to get off the island alive.

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