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PRINCESS UGG #1 (2014)

€ 3.50
Writer: Naifeh, Ted
Artist: Naifeh, Ted
Cover Artist: Naifeh, Ted
Publisher: ONI PRESS INC.
Ordercode: APR141284
Publication Date: 04/06/2014
A new series from Courtney Crumrin's Ted Naifeh! Within the fairy-tale kingdom of Atraesca lies the prestigious Princess Academy, where young royals from all the five kingdoms come to get their education. But they've never before seen the like of Princess ?lga of Grimmeria. Armed with axe and sword, riding her war mammoth through the city gates, ?lga has come in search of schooling. But this barbarian princess might just end up schooling the people of Atraesca before that happens!

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