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ABE SAPIEN #18 (2014)

€ 3.28
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Writer: Mignola, Mike
Artist: Fiumara, Sebastian
Cover Artist: Fiumara, Sebastian
Ordercode: OCT140013
Publication Date: 10/12/2014
Having joined a Santa Muerte cult, Abe settles into a small Gulf town with hidden ties to the zombie massacre he failed to stop in Arizona. With more lives depending on him than ever, will he fail again? o The first five-part arc starts here! 'You'd be a fool to miss out on Abe Sapien: Fine comics indeed.'-Bloody Disgusting 'Abe Sapien is another strong monthly dose of horror, and now's a great time to find out for yourself.'-Comic Book Resources 'I read a ton of Dark Horse titles each month and really each week, but for my money Abe Sapien really is one of the best they publish.'-Comic Bastards

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