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"Nice shop, a lot of choice, well preserved comics"

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€ 4.99
Writer: Moore, Alan
Artist: O'Neill, Kevin
Cover Artist: O'Neill, Kevin
Publisher: IDW - TOP SHELF
Ordercode: DEC180807
Publication Date: 27/02/2019
Ostensibly a cheap British reprint of pre-code American horror, this penultimate stop on Moore and O'Neill's pyrotechnic farewell tour takes us from the tortured mind of artist Richard Dadd to a London swallowed by darkness; from a spectacular 3D struggle in the Blazing World to some jaw-dropping vengeance in Vauxhall and a conclusion that is out of this world. Meanwhile our Seven Stars finally come face to writhing mess with the monstrous menace of the 'Mass while providing origins for both Satin Astro and the Flash Avenger. Don't miss the never-to-be-repeated cavalcade of wonders that is The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume IV: The Tempest.

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