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LAZARUS RISEN #5 (MR) (2020)

€ 8.00
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Writer: Rucka, Greg
Artist: Lark, Michael
Cover Artist: Lark, Michael
Ordercode: JUN200247
Publication Date: 05/08/2020
'FRACTURE II,' Part One The New York Times bestselling team GREG RUCKA & MICHAEL LARK kick off a bloody new chapter in the LAZARUS saga. The Carlyle Family and their allies launch offensives on all fronts to end the Conclave War. For Forever Carlyle, that means keeping a promise. For the Morray Family, it means a visit from?la L?zara. Featuring all-new fiction by ANNIE JULIA WYMAN, artifacts from the firm of TRAUTMANN and HOWE, a never-before-seen entry in the World of Lazarus: Tools of War by RPG designer CRYSTAL FRASIER, and more?

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