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€ 12.34
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Writer: Kubo, Mitsurou
Artist: Kubo, Mitsurou
Cover Artist: Kubo, Mitsurou
Series: AGAIN GN
Ordercode: DEC171658
Publication Date: 14/02/2018
From the co-creator of Yuri!!! on Ice comes a dramatic, funny time-traveling high school story about what it means to cheer on a friend! What would you do if you had the chance to do everything... Again? Kinichiro isn't even that bad. It's just that on the first day of high school, his narrow eyes made him look shifty, so people assumed he was trouble. Now it's graduation, and he's looking back on three years with no friends. He never even joined a club. But after a bloody collision and an accidental fall, he wakes up a high school freshman, with the chance to try it all over... AGAIN!!

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