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€ 14.00
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Writer: Inoue, Junya
Artist: Inoue, Junya
Cover Artist: Inoue, Junya
Publisher: YEN PRESS
Ordercode: DEC151726
Publication Date: 24/02/2016
When his plan to escape the deadly island ends in failure, Ryouta drags his banged-up body ashore, only to be approached by a mysterious mute little girl. She takes him to the heart of the island, where he finds a small village called the Sanctuary, home to seven players living out a peaceful coexistence. But with Ryouta's arrival, the chip quota to get one person off the island is reached. With the balance shattered, a nightmarish murder occurs in the once-tranquil collective. Who is the culprit? In this brand-new arc, an explosive tropical locked-room murder mystery begins!

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