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€ 4.49 € 5.95
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Designer: Jason Lin
Play Time: 15-20 min
Players: 2
Age: 5+
Publisher: MOZI GAMES
Ordercode: MOZSD
Publication Date: 01/11/2018
The big bad wolf is very hungry! He tries to sneak into the farm to get something to eat. However, the sheepdog, the guard of the farm, always keeps his eyes on the big bad wolf to protect lambs in the farm.
Then, on a dark night, everyone in the farm falls asleep. The big bad wolf is very very hungry; he just breaks into the farm to have a big meal! The responsibility of the sheepdog is to protect these lambs and help them escape from the farm. On the other hand, he also has to catch this big bad wolf!! Who is the winner? Let’s play!

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