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"Zonder twijfel de beste comicshop van Gent."

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€ 27.50
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Ordercode: PGS145000
Publication Date: 31/01/2018
[redacted] is a game of spycraft, intrigue, betrayal, and bluffing set in the golden age of the cold war, when men knew how to drink a Martini, and women knew not to trust a man who claimed to know how to drink a Martini. In the game, spies must infiltrate the embassy during the reception that the ambassador holds every year to show how important he is. Moving from room to room, they have to recover files and escape in the helicopter, or make sure that the other side's pilots have a really bad day. While interacting with each other, the players seek to interrogate, steal or injure when they can. With a double-blind interaction mechanism that never really lets the tension ebb, a skilled agent will need to do a lot more than see through a bluff... Players: 2 - 6 | Playing Time: 45 minutes | Ages: 12 +

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