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€ 27.50
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Ordercode: ONXVTM015
Publication Date: 27/05/2018
Prince's Gambit is a casual card game where each player is a vampire called to the court of the vampiric Prince of the city. Players must cooperate to gain the favor of the Prince while deducing who among them are secretly the traitorous Sabbat infiltrators. Designed by long-time Vampire: the Masquerade tabletop RPG developer Justin Achilli, Prince's Gambit is a fast-paced social deduction game set within the world of Vampire, but which requires no special knowledge to play. Neophytes and experienced fans of Vampire both can jump right in. Perfect for fans who love intrigue and horror! Prince s Gambit is published by Onyx Path Publishing, and Vampire: The Masquerade is owned by White Wolf Entertainment. For more information about Prince s Gambit, visit:

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