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€ 48.00
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Ordercode: FLDFGGER02
Publication Date: 09/08/2018
After a long run of dungeon delving and monster slaying, the heroes need a vacation -- you have set out to build an Epic Resort worthy of their presence. You'll leverage your workers' talents and attractions' abilities to draw in hapless tourists and fantasy heroes who are ready to spend some gold and get much needed rest. However, the more you lure in the more likely pirates, twoheaded giants and other relentless monsters will attack! Heroes may defend your attractions (losing precious health), or dodge out of the way... letting the monsters devour a bevy of unsuspecting tourists. By earning points from attractions and heroes, cleverly managing your workers, and finding just the right time to throw your lazy peons into the jaws of a hungry dragon, you will be victorious by building the most Epic Resort!

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