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"Get off your pc & go buy some comics @World's End"

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€ 71.95
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Designer: Simone Cerruti Sola
Play Time: 60-90 min
Players: 1-4
Age: 14+
Ordercode: RGS0584
Publication Date: 26/04/2019
The year is 3042, and humanity is ready to explore the stars. Scientists have been studying the nearby celestial bodies for centuries, and they have identified the best candidates for human habitation. At long last, the nations of Earth have the technology to reach the stars. A peaceful competition has begun as they send their starships into the cosmos. In the end, all of humanity will win, but which nation will be remembered as the greatest pioneers?Kepler-3042 is a game of exploration and colonization. You must carefully manage your resources as you colonize, exploit, and terraform the planets of the Milky Way, developing critical technologies along the way. Each round, you choose which action to perform and which bonuses to activate to further your goals. The nation with the most victory points at the end will be remembered by history as the greatest explorers in the galaxy!

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