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€ 40.95
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Designer: Hal Eccles, Will Kenyon, Jason Maxwell, Tim Uren
Play Time: 60-120 min
Players: 1-10
Age: 13+
Ordercode: GFG88329
Publication Date: 06/09/2017
Macabre detection in the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft Welcome to H.P. Lovecraft’s Arkham, the 1920s. There will be many mysteries to uncover in this storytelling game of Lovecraftian terror. Using the provided newspaper, a list of allies, the directory of Arkham residents and a map of Arkham - your job is to follow the clues from location to location, suspect to suspect - to unravel the mystery and answer the questions posed at the end of each scenario. Your score will depend upon the number of clues points you needed to visit, the risks you took to your sanity in your investigations and your ability to find the correct answers to the questions. Match wits with Armitage's final score the man who has been exposed to the sanity-blasting truth about the existence of the age old evil! Can you beat his score?

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