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"great service ^^ groot aanbod"

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€ 26.00
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Writer: Takalo, Tiitu
Artist: Takalo, Tiitu
Cover Artist: Takalo, Tiitu
Publisher: ONI PRESS INC.
Ordercode: MAR231750
Publication Date: 24/05/2023
In Memento Mori, celebrated Finnish graphic novelist Tiitu Takalo chronicles her sudden, unexpected cerebral hemorrhage and the long road to recovery she had to travel. It is a dramatic story about a life turned upside down overnight: a ruptured cerebral aneurysm, the days and nights spent in an intensive care unit, and the long, painful recovery that led the artist to reflect on her life both past and present. Much more than a story of survival, Memento Mori is a philosophical and psychological journey told with exceptional honesty and compassion. A deeply moving and insightful graphic novel from a master of the medium that is also ultimately a celebration of life.

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