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"Get off your pc & go buy some comics @World's End"

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€ 9.51
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Writer: Ohtaka, Shinobu
Artist: Ohtaka, Shinobu
Cover Artist: Ohtaka, Shinobu
Publisher: VIZ MEDIA LLC
Series: MAGI GN
Ordercode: APR172176
Publication Date: 14/06/2017
The saga of the lost world of Alma Tran continues. Solomon readies for a final battle against his father David, but the fate of the world may already be set. Solomon and his comrades confront the ultimate power in this universe in a bid to prevent the apocalypse. And as everything begins to fall apart, Ugo puts a desperate plan in motion-if this world cannot be saved, perhaps there can be hope for the next... For teen audiences.

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