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"Congrats to Worlds' End!!"

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NO 5 GN VOL 01

€ 24.00
Writer: Matsumoto, Taiyo
Artist: Matsumoto, Taiyo
Publisher: VIZ LLC
Series: NO 5 GN
Ordercode: MAY211867
Publication Date: 21/07/2021
In a world where most of the earth has become a harsh desert, the Rainbow Council of the Peace Corps has a growing crisis on its hands. No. 5, one member of a team of superpowered global security guardians and a top marksman, has gone rogue. Now the other guardians have to hunt down No. 5 and his mysterious companion, Matryoshka. But why did No. 5 turn against the council, and what will it mean for the future of the world? For teen audiences.

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