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€ 40.50
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Ordercode: CRY02186
Publication Date: 28/09/2016
The last human city is under attack by giant, fearsome Titans and it's up to your team to stop them! Based on the action from the world-renowned Attack on Titan anime and manga series, you and your fellow players will battle relentless Titans for humanity's very survival in this cooperative deck-building game. Collect the weapons and tactics you need, then test your mettle on the wall before it's too late. Play as Eren, Mikasa, Armin and many others as you struggle to keep the Titans at bay. New to this Cerberus Engine game is movement. The location of your Hero in the game area matters. Protect the walls or watch them crumble. But do not lose hope, no matter the odds and no matter who among you falls to the onslaught. It may soon be up to you to land the killing blow that will turn the tide of battle!

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