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€ 25.50
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Designer: Mary Flanagan, Emma Hobday, Max Seidman
Play Time: 35-50 min
Players: 2-4
Age: 13+
Publisher: RESONYM
Ordercode: SDP01MLF
Publication Date: 15/02/2021
Show your hosting prowess and treat your favorite Surrealist artists and writers to an excellent dinner party! But this might be trickier than you’d imagine. Keep your guests happy by serving the food they desire, managing drama between them, and sending them home at the right time. On your turn, bring new guests to the party, serve food and drink, or have guests socialize with their neighbors at the table. Each artist also has a unique habit, so pay careful attention to who is sitting next to whom! Of course you want to make all the guests you’ve invited happy, but if you can arrange for your opponents’ guests to start a little drama, that’s okay too!

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