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"Het valhalla voor de comicgeek"

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€ 32.95
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Publication Date: 30/08/2016
Compounded is a game about building chemical compounds through careful management of elements, a fair bit of social play and trading, and just a bit of luck. In Compounded, players take on the roles of lab managers, hastily competing to complete the most compounds before they are completed by others - or destroyed in an explosion. Although Compounded does involve a fair share of press-your-luck tension and certainly some strategic planning, the most successful scientists will often be those who strike a good trade with their fellow lab mates. Players are able to freely trade elements, laboratory tools, and even favors - if there is truly honor among chemists! Players: 2-5 players, ages 13+. Play Time: 30-90 minutes. UPC: 728028274226.

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