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€ 39.95
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Ordercode: GBKSLOST
Publication Date: 30/06/2021
Lost Ones is a stunningly illustrated, fully cooperative game where 1-4 players take on the role of a young person who finds themselves in a nightmare, inexplicably taken to the Fae world, and are trying to find a way home.

Playing a character, you must use your mental and emotional resolve (in the form of action cards) to solve riddles, defeat foes, acquire boons, and explore the map. As you travel, place new map tiles that unravel the mystery of this land, by reading the matching page in the Story Book. This narrative will give you choices of how you may interact with the magical creatures you encounter. Every choice may be a piece of the puzzle to find a way out, or it may be a trap to keep you in the Otherworld forever. You must consider your choices carefully, and spend your resolve wisely, or forever be a Lost One.

This hauntingly beautiful game, designed by Gordon Alford, also has a Kickstarter Exclusive Metal Compass Rose token.

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