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€ 21.50
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Designer: Joel Colombo, Peter C. Hayward, Karl Lange, Marek Tupy
Play Time: 15-20 min
Players: 1-7
Age: 10+
Ordercode: 556901JBG
Publication Date: 03/09/2020
Bandersnatch: A solo puzzle game by Joel Gilmore.
Borogoves: A 1-2 player map-making game by Karl Lange.
Brillig: A 2-player bidding game by Peter C. Hayward.
Gimble: A 2-3 player rummy game by John Fowler.
Gyre: A 2-3 player area control game by Marek Tupy.
Mimsy: A 2-3 player mancala game by Joe Myron.
Mome: A 2-4 player bridge-building game by Mark Bethell.
Slithy: A 3-7 player negotiation game by Patrick Chapman.

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