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€ 28.95
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Designer: Christian Kudahl, Marvin Hegen, Richard Garfield, Skaff Elias
Play Time: 15-25 Min
Players: 2
Age: 8+
Publisher: NERDLAB
Ordercode: MBPIONEER
Publication Date: 29/09/2022

  • 1x Mindbug Base Set
  • 1x Upgrade Pack

In Mindbug, you summon hybrid creatures and send them to battle against your opponent — but when you summon a creature, the opponent may use one of their Mindbugs to take control of it. Outwit your opponent in a fascinating tactical duel in which having the best cards and playing them at the wrong time can be deadly for yourself.

Become a Mindbug Pioneer and command the full arsenal of creatures against one of your opponents.

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