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€ 43.00
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Play Time: 20-45 min
Players: 1-2
Age: 14+
Publisher: PSC GAMES
Ordercode: PSCBLZ003
Publication Date: 20/05/2021
The perfect wargame for non-wargamers! Two players battle across the war’s most iconic theatres, winning key campaigns and building their military might. Blitzkrieg! is a challenging game with simple rules, a short playing time, and many tough decisions! Close campaigns, win war victory points, gain further resources and special weapons, and exploit strategic advantages as you play. The Nippon Expansion adds a new challenge to Blitzkrieg! What if the Axis coalition had won World War Two, and Germany invaded and occupied the United States of America? And … what if Japan then turned on its former ally and invaded German-held America? With the help of Godzilla? Blitzkrieg! was nominated for Best 2-Player Board Game at the 2019 Golden Geek Awards. It received the Dice Tower’s Seal of Excellence and was named the best 2-player game of the year

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