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€ 12.91
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Writer: Jurgens, Dan
Artist: Howell, Corin
Cover Artist: Howell, Corin
Publisher: DC COMICS
Ordercode: NOV150273
Publication Date: 17/02/2016
Bat-Mite is here to fix the DC Universe-one hero at a time! Convinced that he's the imp that put Batman on the map, he's spreading his expertise all over the DC Universe, eager to boost the careers of heroes he thinks need his 'help,' including Hawkman, Booster Gold and more! Will these heroes be as excited to receive Bat-Mite's help as he is to give it? Find out in these stories from the 6-issue miniseries, plus the Sneak Peek story from CONVERGENCE: SUPERGIRL: MATRIX #2.

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