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€ 28.02
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Writer: Eastman, Kevin
Artist: Eastman, Kevin
Cover Artist: Bisley, Simon
Publisher: IDW - TOP SHELF
Ordercode: APR180323
Publication Date: 15/08/2018
After being out of print for years, a grindhouse-style classic returns-better than ever. Inspired by the magazine Heavy Metal and the films of John Woo, creators Kevin Eastman and Simon Bisley present a much darker take on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, spinning a pulse-pounding yarn of over-the-top action and more than a bit of the old ultraviolence. In gritty 1990s New York, our boys Raphael and Casey are swept up into an international murder/revenge/assassination plot, complete with gangsters, thugs, cops, cyborgs, machine guns, and (of course) hockey sticks. Don't miss what might just be the longest-running gunfight in comic book history! Collects Bodycount issues #1-4 with all-new colors by Kevin Eastman.

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